Directorate of Library And Documentation -

133rd Book from IGU Press: "Sociology of Small Groups"

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133rd Book from IGU Press: "Sociology of Small Groups"

New Book Announcement:

This work was decided to be published by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Publishing House according to IGU Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Publishing Council's examination, Deanery of Faculty’s 12/28/2023 dated and E-38519711-299-112613 numbered dispatch writing, Istanbul Gelisim University's Publishing House's 03/15/2024 dated and E-65460130-824.01.02-120888 numbered writing and the decision numbered 07 taken at the meeting dated 03/15/2024 and numbered 2024/07 of Istanbul Gelisim University's Administrative Board. This book is the second book of Prof. Dr. Kamil KAYA published by our Publishing House.

The information about the book is below, the contents page and cover image are attached.
On this occasion, we would like to thank the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of IGU, Mr. Abdulkadir GAYRETLI, and our Rectorate for their encouraging approach to publishing activities. We would also like to thank the IGU Publication Board, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS), and the FEAS Publishing Board, the author of the book, Dear Prof. Dr. Kamil KAYA, Dear Asst. Prof. Dr. Görsev BAFRALI, who translated the book into English, Dear Ayşe DEMİR, who designed the cover, Dear Burak SEVER, who prepared it for publication, the Department of Information Technology, who designed the website, the Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs, the Department of Corporate Communication and Promotion, Dear Gülşah AYTAÇ, who contributed, and finally the Department of Library and Documentation, who undertook coordination.

Book Title: "Sociology of Small Groups"
Author: Prof. Dr. Kamil KAYA
Translator: Asst. Prof. Dr. Görsev BAFRALI
Prepared by: Burak SEVER
Cover design: Ayşe DEMİR
Publication date: January 2025
Language: English
Pages: xi, 135 p.
ISBN: 978-625-8202-29-8
IGU Press no: 133
İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları / Istanbul Gelisim University Press
Adres/Address: Rektörlük Binası - Cihangir Mah. Şehit Jandarma Komando Er Hakan Öner Sk. No: 1 Avcılar / İstanbul / Türkiye
Telefon/Phone: +90 212 4227000 / 7379
Belgeç/Fax: + 90 212 4227401

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