Directorate of Library And Documentation -

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About Us

The Archive Directorate carries out document archiving studies based on all Academic and Administrative units within the University. For document management and archive work in the unit responsibles have been appointed. This responsibles works in coordination. These; It consists of 6 Faculties, 1 Institute, 2 Schools, 2 Vocational Schools, 1 Continuing Education Center and administrative units affiliated to the Rectorate. The Archive Directorate explains the operation in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standard.The system continues its processes by keeping every stage of the process under control, from the starting point of each service to the delivery of the service, and by ensuring that the desired quality is constantly controlled, maintained and improved, with the provision of services in accordance with the expectations and conditions of the stakeholders within the framework of legal criteria.


By applying the principles of document management and archive, it is to manage all the document and archive operations of the university in a way that meets the requirements of the information age.


-To bring the filing and archiving processes in all units of the university to a holistic structure and standards, and thus to form a sustructure  for electronic document management and archive studies,

-To ensure the use of advanced and innovative technologies in the production, filing, access, retention and disposal of documents,
-To implement active and sustainable programs for the economical and effective management of documents produced in all units of the university, regardless of their format, to create safe environments,
-To ensure that the principles of document management and archive are taught and applied at the university,
-Carrying archival documents to the future.