New Book Announcement:
Following the review of the Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Publication Board, the letter of the FHS Dean's Office dated 08.08.2023 and numbered E-27933507-824.01.02-97642, the review of the IGU Publication Board, the letter of the Publication Board Presidency dated 22.09.2023 and numbered E-65460130-824.01.02-102511, and the final stage, the decision numbered 12 taken at the meeting numbered 2023/17 of the IGU Executive Board held on 27.09.2023, this book, which was decided to be published by our University Publishing House, is the first book published under the editorship of Asst. Prof. Nurten ELKIN and Asst. Prof. Talat SARIKAVAK.
The book's information is below, the cover image is attached. The book is available in printed and e-book format.
On this occasion, we would like to thank IGU Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Abdulkadir GAYRETLİ, and our Rectorate for their encouraging approach in publishing activities. We would also like to thank the IGU Publication Board, the SBF Dean's Office, and the SBF Publication Board, our authors, our editors Asst. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN and Asst. Prof. Dr. Talat SARIKAVAK, Mr. Burak SEVER, who designed the cover of the book and prepared it for publication, the Department of Information Technology for the website design, the Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs, the Department of Corporate Communication and Promotion for their support, Ms. Gülşah AYTAÇ for her contributions, and finally the Department of Library and Documentation, which undertook coordination.
Book Title: "Çocuk Gelişimine Çok Boyutlu Bakış"
Editors: Asst. Prof. Dr. Nurten ELKİN, Asst. Prof. Dr. Talat SARIKAVAK
Prepared for publication and cover designer: Burak SEVER
Publication date: February 2025
Language: Turkish
Pages: xiv, 193 p.
ISBN: 978-625-8202-25-0
e-ISBN: 978-625-8202-34-2
IGU Press no: 134