Tümer ALTAŞ Online Exam Preparation and Language Education Database
Our university has started a subscription to Tümer ALTAŞ Online Exam Preparation and Language Education Database in 2024.
World eBook Library
World eBook Library subscription has started! It is one of the largest electronic libraries in the world, offering electronic books and electronic documents to assist academic research. It is much easier and more practical to use with its renewed interface. Based on the latest update to the interface, only e-book access will be provided. There is no other document type.
The current number of e-books is around 2.8 million. This number is expected to reach 3 million towards the end of the year.
* Unlimited use and download in PDF format
* Thousands of books in every language and every topic
* A unique collection of primary sources and rare artifacts
* The world's largest electronic library
Key topics covered: Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Economics, Management, Public, History, Agriculture, Medicine, Education, Fine Arts, Language, Law, Literature, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Anthropology, Technology
Our university's Statista database subscription has started. Statista is a global database of statistical information. The brochure is attached. For access from outside the institution, the settings specified in the link below must be made. You can access it from any computer within the organization.
We would like to thank the Presidency of the Board of Trustees and Rectorate for the subscription.
ACCESS LINK: https://www.statista.com
Hiperkitap Electronic Book Database
What is Hiperkitap?
Hiperkitap is the first and only made-in-Turkey digital library consisting of both academic and general books. Hiperkitap’s e-book collection includes thousands of titles in 28 subject categories such as language and literature, history, philosophy, psychology, law, computer, environment, personal development, engineering and technology, economy, finance, medicine, and business.
Proquest E-Book Central Academic Electronic Book Database
Our library has been subscribed to the Proquest E-Book Central Academic Electronic Book Database in 2017.
In this context, around 268.000 downloadable e-books have been presented to the students and academic and administrative staff.
Almost every subject has e-books.
MathSciNet Database
Our library subscribes to the MathSciNet database, which is the Bibliographic Database for Maths and Applications, prepared by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Many universities have subscribed MathSciNet database from Turkey.
We would like to thank the Presidency of the Board of Trustees of our University, our Rectorate, and other contributors for providing this Access and we wish that it will be good for our university.
Oxford University Journals Database
Our library has become a subscriber to the Oxford University Journals
Our library subscribed to the Oxford University Journals in 2014. In 2021, the number of journals available for this subscription increased from 368 to 564. Most of the subscribed journals are indexed by Scopus, SCI, SSCI, or A&HCI indices. In other words, the most prestigious journals in the world are accessible from an IP address.
Start searching Oxford Journals now! Your access is already available via IP recognition. Please use your Oxford Journals subscription!
Access Address: https://academic.oup.com/journals
Oxford University Journals (2021) Dergi Listesi (Journal list)
JEPPESEN Mobile FliteDeck Online Access
SOBIAD Citation Index
Our university subscribed to SOBIAD Citation Index in the 2018-2019 Academic Year. Without any username or password, you can have unlimited access to SOBIAD from your internet network.
Access Address: www.sobiad.com
About SOBIAD Citation Index:
SOBIAD, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Health Sciences areas published by a total of 1132 journals indexed is a database containing citations and a national index that is also found in Turkey based on most social science articles.
About SOBIAD Citation Index:
SOBIAD is a database index for Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Health Sciences departments, as 1132 other journals, and a national index that also incincludesst social science articles in Turkey.
In Sobiad;
* There are 1300+ magazines.
* There are 400.000+ articles.
* There are 10 million+ citations.
* Journal, article, and citation numbers are increasing day by day.
Which features are available?
The SOBIAD Citation Index provides tools to target users to find the simplest interface:
* Sort by years in the search results available.
* For each article, author, summary, number, year, type, and information such as search results can be accessed and downloaded by clicking on the article.
* Found results can be easily printed, edited before printing.
* The number of corporate use and the number of article downloads are submitted to the institution as a statistical report.
* www.sobiad.com is a mobile device-compatible service.
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Department of Air Navigatıon AIP System
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please change the PROXY SETTINGS of your browser to access from outside the institution. The way of changing the settings is explained in the link: https://kddb.gelisim.edu.tr/en/administrative-announcement-istanbul-gelisim-university-library-proxy-server-renewed