Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı -

Genişletilmiş JSTOR Erişimi: COVID-19

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  1.   Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı
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Genişletilmiş JSTOR Erişimi: COVID-19

Açık Erişim

Sayın Kullanıcımız,
Yaşadığımız bu zorlu dönemde JSTOR ilk olarak Halk Sağlığı alanında 30 Haziran 2020 tarihine kadar genişletilmiş koleksiyonu üyelerinin kullanımına sunacaktır.
Konu ile ilgili yazı ve linkleri aşağıda paylaşıyoruz.
Sağlıklı günler dileğiyle, iyi çalışmalar dileriz. 

Dear users,


To support libraries during this challenging time, JSTOR and our participating publishers are making an expanded set of content freely available to our participating institutions where students have been displaced due to COVID-19.  


First, we are expediting the release of a new set of 26 journal archives in Public Health, making them openly accessible through June 30, 2020.


We also have an expanded set of content that is available upon request to institutions where students have been displaced due to COVID-19:

·         For participating academic institutions that currently license some, but not all, JSTOR Archive and Primary Source collections, we will turn on access to all unlicensed collections at no cost.

·         We are working with publishers to make more than 20,000 books available at no charge for JSTOR-participating academic institutions and secondary schools that do not participate in our books program. The number of books available through this effort is growing daily as more publishers opt in.


Further details about this program, including information on how to request expanded access, can be found at https://about.jstor.org/covid19/


Like all of you, we are working around the clock to help ensure that in the face of unimaginable risk and anxiety, the important work of education and research can go on. We will continue to explore other ways to provide support and will keep the community updated on our progress.  To learn more about our business continuity plans and resources for our community, please visit https://www.ithaka.org/news/ithaka-response-covid-19-0.


Please feel free to reach out to us at support@jstor.org if we can be of assistance. We wish you good health.



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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi / Istanbul Gelisim University
Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı / Department of Library & Documentation
Adres / Address: Cihangir Mah. Şehit Jandarma Komando Er Hakan Öner Sk. No: 1, 
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İGÜ Yayınları/IGU Press: https://iguyayinlari.gelisim.edu.tr/
Açık Erişim Sistemi/Open Access System: https://acikerisim.gelisim.edu.tr